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A November Meditation on Gratitude For Knives

Updated: Dec 1, 2021

Recently, the Lord and I were chatting about what my post for November should be. Naturally, knives came up right away because of carving pumpkins and turkeys. Everyone thinks about knives all the time during this season, so we decided to go with it.

Below are four artistic photos of me in various poses with knives.

"You're Such a Cut Up"

I love the cheeriness of the mood.

"Chop Chop"

I like the blurriness. It really shows it's an action shot.

"Now, Cut that Out"

It has a moody pirate feel.

"Get to the Point"

I like the urban grittiness of this one.

Have a wonderful November and remember you can always find something to be grateful for since nothing is pointless in this life.

Stay sharp,


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