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Entering the Prayer Closet

Dearest Pristine White Roses, Unsullied by the Pink Worm,

As you know, the Lord and I are close companions. Some of you might say we are "Best Friends 4Ever," so his opinion matters very much to me. I must inform you that he has called me away from writing the soul-saving vignettes in my blog to work exclusively on finishing my manuscript of The Mrs. Gladys Merriweather's Young Ladies Guide to Venereal Etiquette.

Do not weep, Dear Continent Ones! You shall not be abandoned. I will nourish you with various tidbits, such as recipes, Q and A opportunities, and in-person gatherings with me, starting next month.

A friend and dear sister-in-Christ, who wishes to remain anonymous, was inspired to craft a cocktail, based my my extended travails in my prayer closet. I have included the recipe for said drink below. Enhance this concoction with anything you like. I suggest more gin, as it is a bit on the sweet side.

The Prayer Closet Cocktail

1 & 1/2 oz. gin

1 oz. lavender simple syrup

1/4 oz. rosewater

Please, feel free to email me with any questions you may have regarding venereal etiquette, and I may answer them in one of my posts if I feel led to do so.

Stay stalwart in your fight against the foe's fiendish taint!

Yours in good taste,

Mrs. Gladys Merriweather

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