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Part Two: How to Snare a Strong, Christian Home Leader and Husband

Updated: Mar 2, 2021

Next, let him chase you. Never, under any circumstances, should you initiate any contact with him. Even if you have a date planned and you fall ill, you must not call/text/or video call him. Have your mother contact him and break off the date. Your job is to be busy with good deeds in the community-- so busy that when he contacts you, you cannot immediately respond. Let an hour pass before you reply to any type of communication. Set a timer on your phone to make it easy for yourself. If he asks you for a date, it must be a minimum of three days in advance; otherwise, you are to be occupied with a previous commitment, such as organizing a luncheon for the ladies’ retreat. Feel free to be liberal with your definition of truth in this regard. After all, you will be performing this task, at some point, after you are married. Finally, if he is more than precisely fifteen minutes late in picking you up for your date, you must not go. Wait twenty-four hours before you respond to any inquires, he may direct to you during that time. When you do answer, do not criticize him, be enraptured to hear from him, and enthuse about what a wonderful time you had baking snicker doodle cookies and watching the news with with your parents. Mention that you heard from a “friend” from your church youth group and then drop it. By following these basic rules you’ll keep him hooked.

Any amorous attentions must be extinguished like the inferno from hell that they can quickly become if allowed even the scantest bit of fuel. Ideally, your first kiss on the lips of the face must be after he raises your veil on your wedding day. If you tumble into temptation and kiss prior to marriage, it still possible to remain happily married, but it is not the most salutary arrangement. Anything more than a kiss, and you will have destroyed your entire life and, most likely, your afterlife. Even if he marries you, he will not respect you or trust you. On some level, he will know that you are a nymphomaniac panting for the opportunity to copulate with another man. He will know that you are filthy and wrong, against nature, and bound for damnation. If he discards you as he should do and as you deserve, you will live with the truth of your own depravity and be forced to remain unmarried or face the surety of hell as you will have to lie about your experience prior to marriage to earn even the tiniest shred of hope of marrying the most low-class and uncouth boob on the planet. Meditate on this verse from the King James Version of the Bible, “And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.” I do not believe this is hyperbole as matters of a prurient nature are so damning. Do not be duped by his drive for the marital act prior to marriage.

Remember the old adage, "Why buy the cow when you're getting the milk for free?" Ask yourself, "Am I a prodigal, lactating cow?" Of course, you are not, so don't act like one.

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