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Prayer Closet Photo Documentary

Updated: Mar 9, 2020

Resting (and Maybe, Even, Sleeping) in the Lord

Dear Yummy, Orange Butterflies from the Lord's Own Candy Insect Hatchery,

Sometimes, a Christian woman needs to take time away to rest in the Lord. As we are so devoted to good deeds and such, it can be a challenge to enter into that repose, but we must do as Jesus did and take a break.

I found this lovely devotional book at a local craft store, and I took it as a sign that I should retire to my prayer closet. I am doing my best to follow its excellent advice. The above photo depicts the, "Be Still," part.

This one is more about, " and Know," although I am, also, being still here.

This one is about "Being Still" and "Knowing" it's becoming a little painful.

This one shows that I am, indeed, resting in the Lord. In fact, I could go to sleep in the Lord.

The bandage purports that I was clumsy when I burned my hand as I was cooking a sausage for my magnificent Dickie's dinner: another indication that I should remain in my prayer closet this week.

Goodnight, Precious Ones.

P.S. in the Lord,

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