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Fire Bush the Angel

Updated: Jun 7, 2022

Darling Foes of Turpitude,

First, I must apologize for my absence during the past month. I was called away for an impromptu cruise along the River of Life in Heaven. Of course, the cruise ship was glorious, as it was made from diamond dust. The crew was magnificent. We had talking flamingos as waiters. Charming!

It was on my cruise that I met a dear companion, the angel Fire Bush. Since our time together in heaven, we have become quite chummy and have weekly weenie roasts and cocktail parties. During our little get-togethers, we edify each other with spiritual songs and dances. I am pleased to say that Fire Bush is quite an accomplished clogger, meaning he dances merry jigs in clogs.

Below are some photos from our cruise. May I present to you, Fire Bush!

Have a blessed May, Sweetums!



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